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Celebrating simplicity

Less is so often more

Celebrating simplicity

When I am sitting in the kitchen, I cannot help but snack. There is food all around me.

Likewise, if I am on my phone I am being bombarded with desires. Advertisements and pictures and videos of a life I don’t have. If I stare at things designed to make me want more, will I not eventually fall to temptation?

In a world where we are encouraged to always want more, those who are content with what they have separate themselves from the pack.

When I am around someone who is content, it is as if their presence is able to slow the spin of the earth. Their presence is one of rest. They give the aroma of peace.

So much of people’s day is spent desiring things that they do not have. Scrolling through Instagram wishing they were on a beach, on a mountain, skiing, swimming, etc. Scrolling Pinterest wishing you had the funds to redecorate your house. Scrolling Zillow wishing you lived in a bigger, newer, prettier place. Opening your mail to see bills, leaving you wishing you had more money.

Wishing, wanting, desiring, longing.

And yet, are you not provided for? Do you not have the things you need?

I find that, though I struggle with the want for more, I have more than I ever could have dreamed of.

This is not a call to stop dreaming. But recognize this: when you simplify your life, you are given the space and the mental clarity to dream in a way that you might actually pursue and accomplish the dream.

Declutter your space. Maybe more important, declutter your schedule. Put down the phone which soaks up your free time and directs your attention away from the things you care about most.

Simplicity gives you the freedom to take account for your life and allows you to experience the healing effects of gratitude.

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