26% Americans make over 500k... right? (Answer: no)

What is financial success to you?

What is financial success to you?

We have a problem of perception in America. Only 1% of Americans have a household income over 500 thousand dollars. But if you ask Americans, they believe 1 out of every 4 households brings in 500k.

Instagram is lying to you. All the pictures of the ultra wealthy is a facade. And many of the “rich” are actually wearing knock-offs bought with an increasing credit card debt.

The reality: a quick Google reveals the average household income in Ohio is $73,770.

I never have expected to make a lot of money. The gracious giving of people in church should go to the good work of the church. I work hard to honor the Lord in all that I do, and also honor the people who entrust me to steward their resources well.

I have found that I am able to live well on a fraction of what people consider financially successful. A recent survey revealed that those in Gen Z believe your salary yearly income needs to be over half a million dollars to be considered financially successful.

I simply refuse to believe this is true, and it comes down to what your definition of success is.

I have a wife that stays home with our two boys. We eat all organic food cooked in the home. We have a vehicle, though not new, that runs well and that we keep maintained. Our kids have a lot of good toys. My family has good clothes. We have some debt, but we never get behind on it. And we have more than enough to give to the church, to community organizations, and to feed people which we view as an important part of our gifting.

In my world, being a financial success is:

  • Taking care of my family.

  • Taking care of the people in my community.

  • Keeping my debt low and my investments high.

  • Having peace of mind that basics are taken care of.

  • Having the freedom to work on the things I love.

I don’t need the nicest clothes or fanciest car. I don’t need a big house. I don’t need international travel staying at the nicest airbnbs.

I desire to be faithful with what I have. That means to live simply, and to live for the people around me.

What do you think? What is financial success to you?

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