2/3 People Start Their Day With This…

A Tool For Community Engagement

The Spark Newsletter

Coffee - A Tool For Engagement

You wake up on a Friday morning. The weight of the work week is on your shoulders. You have to make it through one more day. Maybe a couple of meetings. Finish a project here and send some emails there—just one more shift into the weekend.

You roll out of bed and head to the kitchen, where you start making coffee.

You aren’t alone in this ritual: 2/3 of Americans start their day with coffee.

**TYPO - The tweet mentioned meant to say “67%” not “7%”

The coffee business is enormous. It is a 343.2 billion dollar industry in the US, increasing steadily1. The sector employs more than 2.2 million jobs2.

Why does this stat matter? 

There are more coffee drinkers than Christians, and more people will drink coffee this Sunday than attend church. If there is something that unites, some way to network and start conversations, coffee is a good bet.

Knowing this is important as we collectively seek solutions to the community crisis experienced in America and worldwide.

In the United States, over half of the population feels at least a little lonely, with almost a quarter feeling very lonely3.

Because you are equipped with the knowledge that so many people enjoy (or need) coffee, make it a habit not to drink coffee alone. Invite people into your home and make them a cup with your unique setup. If you are going to grab a coffee, invite a coworker. If you plan on getting work done at a coffee shop, ask someone to share that space with you. 

If coffee is a part of your rhythm anyway, make inviting someone into that space with you a priority.

This goes far beyond coffee and into considering all our habits. By including others in our rhythm of life, there are untold benefits it has for us and the other person.

I do have a recommended brand for you, and that is Purity Coffee. Many coffees have mold, toxins, and pesticides that get brewed into your drink. Purity Coffee is an organic bean tested to be free of those things. And it tastes great.

Coffee Connections

The habit of coffee is an open door into service, as you can serve people coffee at church or work or invite people into your home. Coffee is a small image of a much grander picture of what it looks like to serve others well in the community and in life. In all things, we do to the best of our abilities as if it were to the Lord.

This is one of my favorite interviews on the transformative nature of service and how something as simple as coffee can transform the giver and receiver's heart.

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